Photograph of monstera leaf propogation in glass cup. Plant is sitting on a wooden cafe bench alongside a vertical magazine titled "Culture".

Sharing my healing journey and resources learned along the way.

Be Authentic , Accountable , Inclusive


Working with Ezra

Ezra currently lives in Sydney, Australia and is open to networking, keynote speeches based on their own lived experience, writing online, panels, and podcast experiences. Though they are just branching out to spaces other than their self-made brand, financial contributions for such appearances would be appreciated, though not always necessary and would be determined by a case-by-case basis.

Axolotls in a Trenchcoat

About the Channel

Though their initial Youtube channel AgenderAgenda began as a means of documenting their transition as a nonbinary person, they have since started a new channel called Axolotls in a Trenchcoat, in which they document their life healing from childhood trauma and how the intersections of mental health, race, queerness and neurodivergency impact their livelihood. The primary content of the channel has been about their experience as a person with parts (Dissociative Identity Disorder), however, they recently have been branching out their discussions to encompass the aforementioned experiences.

more about the author

Ezra proudly identifies as Queer, both as a means to reclaim the label while also using it as a catch-all of their identities as someone who is nonbinary, demisexual, panromantic, and polyamorous. They identity with the term transracial, due to growing up white while being a mixed race. Growing up estranged from their cultural background as their parents were divorced, Ezra talks explores themes of racism and ‘belonging’ within some of their content. Along with producing videos, Ezra is an aspiring writer, which they began exploring through blogging along with private pieces as a means of processing their trauma. As of 2022 they are currently working on a memoir

Ezra Burke

About the Author

Ezra is an aspiring lived experience advocate / speaker who has been spreading awareness of gender diversity and mental health disorders on- and offline since 2015. Though they initially started their journey on Youtube, they have since appeared as a panelist for Out For Australia in 2019 where they contributed to the discussion of LGBTQ+ stories and support needed within the workplace.

Memoir in the making

In 2023, with encouragement from my therapist, partner, and care-worker, I decided to begin writing a memoir. I am hopeful that it is something I can not only finish, but also publish perhaps in 2025. Keep an eye on this site for any quotes or sneak peeks over the course of 2024. 

Memoir in the making

In 2023, with encouragement from my therapist, partner, and care-worker, I decided to begin writing a memoir. I am hopeful that it is something I can not only finish, but also publish perhaps in 2025. Keep an eye on this site for any quotes or sneak peeks over the course of 2024. 

Be Authentic

I believe that a key aspect of 'recovery' is to be as authentic as possible. When we aren't true to ourselves it becomes a lot easier to detach from life and the world around us.

Be Accountable

As I work through my own traumas, I wish to learn and grow as a person. A big part of that is taking ownership for my own actions and adjusting behaviours as necessary.

Be Inclusive

I believe that it is important to foster safe, accessible, and inclusive spaces wherever possible, as a means of showing care to those around us and opening larger spaces for communication.

Latest Posts

Fragmented State of Mind
05 December 2023
This audio is clippings from two separate sessions that each involve discussion of, and subsequent input from certain fragments. It is very evident in these recordings how having a fractured identity can cause confusion and and lead to conflicting beliefs. Majority of this audio centres around CSA (child sexual abuse) and warped perceptions of grooming. The discussion is not graphic in terms of detail, however, it likely could be triggering to those with similar experiences.
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What's the "Big Deal"?
30 November 2023
In this session we explored what exactly the terminology "Big Deal" meant to me growing up, in relation to expressing my emotions, wants, and needs. I talk about my constant internal response now, as an adult, to invalidate my struggles and emotions due to these lessons learned in childhood.
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And it's September
15 September 2023
Eh, well would you look at that, it’s been a month. Lets have a catch up, shall we? My therapist was on sabbatical leave for about four weeks from the end of July up until the end of August, so I haven’t really had anything to post when it comes to therapy content. Right before she went on break, unfortunately my carer had been unwell, so I had a handful of sessions over zoom. Some of these I recorded, however, I haven’t gotten around to editing them as they were quite heavy in regards to emotions/tears.
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13 August 2023
Talking about how I constitute deservingness, particularly in the case of financial or gift giving, based on whether I am "good", or "bad". This follows along the thoughts illustrated in another blog post about being left in my deceased grandmother's will. My therapist encourages me to challenge the idea that me being deserving of something, does not need to be defined by my actions of "goodness" or "badness".
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Reading List

Kathy L. Kain & Stephen J. Terrell

Stephanie Foo

Kathy L. Kain & Stephen J. Terrell

Stephanie Foo

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Beauty After Bruises
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Discovering Serenity


Candid Interview hosted by Michelle Mana, discussing my experiences with therapy as someone healing from childhood trauma. We talk a bit about medical professionals and how some view dissociative identity disorder, along with personal views on subjects such as “functional multiplicity vs final fusion”.


Latest vlog on my Youtube channel where I give an update on how life, therapy, and everything else is going for me. I discuss my plans for the upcoming year

People are afraid to heal because their entire identity is centered around the trauma they’ve experienced. They have no idea who they are outside of trauma and that unknown is terrifying

So often survivors have had their experiences denied, trivialized, or distorted. Writing is an important avenue for healing because it gives you the opportunity to define your own reality

After trauma it can be easier to stick with what’s familiar. New things, even new ways of thinking, can feel dangerous. It’s part of your neurobiology, to guard against danger. But it also limits you. It keeps you stuck in painful thought patterns and beliefs, because it feels safer than trying something new.​